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Member's Rules

Please take the time to read ALL of our rules as ignorance is not an excuse.
If you do not follow these rules you may be asked to leave the fishery, and may also be subject to either a temporary or permanent ban.

1. Members only.  no guests allowed.

2. maximum of 3 nights in a swim No holding swims for other members.


3(a). March to November - Boilies & Pellets ONLY - No other baits allowed. (These include nuts, sweetcorn, hemp & other types of particles)
3(b). December to February - Particles allowed during these months, however no nuts.
3(c). No live baits allowed at any time. e.g. Maggots & worms.

4. No artificial baits allowed. This includes fake corn,  

.5.  No zig fishing. No bread or dog biscuits allowed. Floating pellets as free offerings only.

6. Minimum 15lb breaking strain for main line and hook links. 

​7. Barbless hooks only. No barbed or micro barbed hooks.

8. No leadcore - Leadfree leaders and safe zone leaders are allowed.

9. No fixed leads. All leads must be able to eject or release if caught in weed or a snag. Inline leads must be able to slide off the main line if it parts. 

10. The ‘Twig Rig’ or any other similar product is NOT to be used on this venue.

11. No nets, mats or cradles to be brought on site. These will be provided for use by the fishery. When you have finished your session, please replace these into the designated storage boxes.

12.  Anyone caught stealing the equipment provided will be reported to the police and prosecuted. They will also have their name(s) passed onto other fisheries and banned.

13. Any damage to the carp care equipment must be reported immediately even if it's not your fault. Accidents happen and it’s important we make sure every angler has the right equipment. No equipment means no fishing!  

14. All anglers must be in possession of a Carp Care Kit. Treatment must be given to all hook holds and any other damage found on the fish.

15. No fish to be retained longer than it takes to set up cameras, mats, scales etc.

16. All Carp must be carried onto the bank using the weigh slings provided ONLY. Fish must not be lifted from the lake in the landing net, even with the net dismantled and rolled up. 

17. BBQ's allowed but MUST be used on the communal BBQ which is located near the Social Swim. 

18. No litter including cigarette butts, tea bags and discarded tackle. All litter must be taken home. Do not use any of the bins on site. These are for residential use only. 

19. No Dogs - We have our own dogs on site and they do not mix well with other animals.

20. No fishing from vehicles. You must be next to your rods. 

21. No drones to be used without the express permission of the Lake Manager or Bailiff(s) 

​22. No walking past The Lodge. Baiting up from the far bank must be done by walking round via Weedy Corner

23. Snags swim is now out of bounds except for the head Bailiff due to health reasons.


​24. Any members not following the lake rules, or behave in such a way that may affect the safety of our fish or other angler's enjoyment on our lake, will be asked to leave the fishery, and may also be subject to either a temporary or per

25. If you find the main gate at the lake open or it refuses to close after you, then please contact Gordon asap.

26...To help us monitor fish growth, it would be useful if you could send us photos of both sides of each fish caught. However, if the fish are stressed in any way, then mat shots or no photos at all are the preferred option.

27 .No publicity or advertising of the lake.

28S \indicate members need to complete 2 work work parties a year. (Dates to be given in advance.

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